Dynamic Debt Cancellation Rating System
- Automated - You are mere clicks away from creating a comprehensive debt cancellation quote.
- Flexible - You can modify your claim costs, and add multipliers for special cases.
- Customizable - We can add, change, or delete benefits to fit your specific needs.
- Efficient - The system generates a self-auditing output. See at a glance the information you input to generate the specific quote. Plus, once you make this system part of your debt cancellation quoting system you'll wonder how you ever lived with out it!
- Effective - The system is able to create a personalized quote sure to impress your client lenders.
- Valuable - This system allows you to save, retrieve, and complete proposals in record time. Time saved equals value added to your bottom line.
Contact Sean Dermody at seand@hauseactuarial.com or call toll-free at (877) 451-8727 and let us know if you interested or need more information about our software or services.